Happy weekend, Readers.
It's been a rainbow chasing kind of week.
And it's always the best kind of chase when you capture one.
Chasing involves running.
Eloise has been trying to train for the Erie Half Marathon
with daughter Ellen Louise.
I'm gimping along this year,
nurturing some sore toes,
but I think we'll be ready by July 15th.
Running in the summer isn't always easy.
Ask my fitness friends.
They'll agree.
Not easy--but important.
All the best athletes incorporate at least a little running
in their fitness routines.
I told son Sam the other day,
as I sat my 11 year old down on the couch with a book,
and wouldn't let him up until he read a couple of chapters,
that running is just like reading.
You have to practice to get better at it.
And, when you practice enough,
it just becomes part of your routine.

When you develop reading skills,
your writing skills become pretty solid, too.
Print is not dead!
Sam writes us notes all the time.
This one was left on the camp refrigerator
for the next family.
We ran through the raindrops
during last weekend's camp adventure.
With all the rain,
it forced us to read up a little on the nature surrounding us.
How cool are these markings?
If I was a predator,
I'd be a bit leery before taking a bite of this!
The rains brought forth many mud puddles,
and many, many frogs.
They would come out at night
and make these cool sounds while doing this:
And minutes later,
they'd come running to do this.
All night long!
I followed this moth/butterfly (?)
for quite a long time.
Don't ever be discouraged by a handicapping condition.
Look closely.
He flew all over the place
even with a large chunk out of his wing.
Wet weather always brings in the mosquitoes.
I'm going to try this!

In between all of that running around in the wet, buggy woods,
I did find some time to read.
Join me at the next Star 104 book club to read
Elinor Oliphant is Completely Fine--
third Monday in July--
place to be announced.
Check the Star 104 website for registration and updates.
Check the Star 104 website for registration and updates.
I'm also reading The President is Missing
by James Patterson and Bill Clinton.
What a page turner!
If you like exciting, political thrillers,
then you'll love this book, too.
I'll end tonight with a nice scroll through of my favorite photos of the week.
Have a great weekend!