Hello, Readers!
Eloise is rounding out the week
with some good news.
Daughter Ellen Louise and some teammates will be
chasing that maddening dimpled, white ball around for another week.
The Girls Golf Team is headed into District Play.
We rolled into the golf course for senior night last Monday
just in time to watch the ladies finish---
and before my ice melted.
Eloise had another trigeminal nerve flare up--
the worst I've experienced so far.

Pain medication does not help.

I spent most of the last week
and visiting chiropractors.
After some deeper investigation
into the steadily worsening symptoms--
Eloise was pleased to find out she has her first abscessed tooth!
Weird statement,
but I've never been so happy about anything in my life.
The root of the tooth was aggravating the nerve.
Antibiotics and Advil have taken down the swelling,
and I'll be cartwheeling into the specialist on Monday.

Needless to say,
there weren't too many photos taken.
even when in pain,
it helps to get outside and
surround yourself in beauty.
Early fall is so pretty!
While in pain,
I really thought about how sharp our world has become-
sharp toned
sharp edged.
We are surrounded by squares and rectangular shapes
with pointed edges
that are sharp
and point
and accuse.
Phones are rectangular--
everyone is always looking at those.
TV screens--
all square.
Post boxes are square on social media.
Nice, neat, little boxes that house our opinions
in lines with seemingly no give.
I'd like to see us soften some of those edges--
round out the world again,
so to speak.
Just ask a school aged kid.
Just ask a school aged kid.
Start with Hello!
There is such a roundness to the word.
Say it to yourself.
Your mouth rounds out,
and following the close of the O
your lips turn upwards into a smile.
Hello is such a nice word.
This movement is part of the Sandy Hook Promise.
Your weekend homework is to check it out.
After a tough and tiring week,
I went into school today and discovered this laminated sign
in my classroom.
On it my colleagues wrote nice comments about ME!
Talk about a pick-me-up!
It gave me enough of a mental boost to finish the week strong.
Positive comments are contagious.
Even the students are in on the game.
I have to Round Out this blog post
because simply put,

Make the weekend a great one--
and start it with Hello!