Friday, November 23, 2018

Lesson 564: Giving

Happy Thanksgiving, Readers.
It's a frosty cold one this year!

Nature gave us a stunning sunrise.

The 2:00 dinner at my sister's house
allowed for some time to rest in the sunny spot near the window
next to the fireplace.
How we are thankful for things that give us light and warmth.

Underclassmen gave letters to other students, teachers,
and staff members the two days prior to break.
To give the gift of a hand written sentiment is a dying art.
Make an effort to do this for someone this holiday.

The gift of surprise found in your mailbox--

Secret Pal,

there is no doubt you ARE my kindred spirit.

Thanks for giving me 365 days worth of smiles.

Alpaca butts next Thanksgiving!

A baby on my birthday month's page!
I always check March in any calendar I wish to purchase,
and if it's a dud page, 
it stays in the store.

The gift of Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving
has kept on giving for 20 years of Natalie's life.
"Brown's Thanksgiving" as she calls it,
is her very favorite.
She asks for it every holiday,
and immediately wants popcorn and toast after watching it.

Not to further wedge the racial divide,
but did you ever notice where Franklin sits at the table?

 The Thanksgiving photo gives us a moment marker each year.
The "kids" are now 4 young adults,
and one who thinks he is.

Give a really unusual hostess gift this season!
This really started the dinner off with great conversation!

We ate,
and drank,
and enjoyed good food
and great company.

We watched the sun disappear,

and the moon rise.

And all that eating,
and drinking,
and talking,
and loving--

gave me heartburn.
It gets me every year!

Thank goodness for my new
Big Foot Shot Glass for some Alka Seltzer!

I just got schnockered on
and salt!

Thanksgiving hits me harder in recent years
than in the past,
because of the 58 Day Challenge
Dr. Krauza, an Erie Chiropractor
offers in the fall.

For the 58 days leading up to Thanksgiving,
participants focus on eating whole foods
and exercising regularly.

It's amazing what the body can accomplish 
when you give it a little of your attention!

My friend Alex won the female division this year.
She got the good news of her large cash prize
while in exploring the world in Portugal.

Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

When I messaged Alex a note of congratulations,
I asked if I could share her story on this blog
because it is so inspirational to others.

If you would like to also feel amazing,
give yourself the gift of good health
and try one of the Team Adrenaline outdoor workouts
or Doc's Detox in January.

How better to share the story than in Alex's own words,
posted on facebook,
and shared with her permission.
 feeling amazing.
I joined a 58 Day FITNESS challenge where there is a cash prize...And I cannot believe I won ðŸ˜³... After 5 years of being on my health journey, I am still learning about my body, overcoming failure and adapting to change...During this challenge I wanted to overcome my fear of failure with weight lifting... Physically, and emotionally, lifting weights and performing daily tasks are difficult....I have never stuck to it longer than a few tries because I was born with naturally amputated fingers and toes and suffer from arthritis...
My boyfriend showed non stop support and for this 58 days, he helped me adapt to weight lifting as I cross trained for a run. I may not lift much but I stuck to it.
My diet was strict and I slipped up here and there and allowed myself one entire cheat day once a week to keep my sanity...I never skip meals, only adhered to the challenge diet guidelines and ate whole foods based and even had to force feed myself at times to fuel up for my workouts, but gave my body what I thought it needed to perform how I needed it to...
I still can’t believe it.
All and all, keep setting goals, and never keep up with anyone, keep up with yourself.

What is Greatness?

Holiday season homework
for the betterment of our world--
assigned to:  EVERYONE

Let's try to give of ourselves
and to one another this season.
Your actions mean much more
 than your opinion on American politics.

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind -  love this!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Thanksgiving Bible verse Printable by MiniPress

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