Friday, November 2, 2018

Lesson 561: Mark Your Calendar

Hello, Readers.
You may want to mark your calendars for a few upcoming events.
For starters:

Buddy the Elf took to the streets of the neighboring 'hood

and collected a larger than normal 
loot filled sack.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Eloise Hawking, people smiling, child

Dogs Wonder,
Hazel and Opal,
also got in on the action this year.

My boy sure does love his puppy.

Here is Hazel,
eating the tassel off of Sam's curly toed boot.

We added it to the long list of items she's eaten.


Image may contain: dog

Padded hangers.

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And any shoe in reach.

It's time for some Boot Camp.
We put this in big, black letters on our calendar.

Just the thought of it tires the poor girl out.

Mark your calendars:
our daughters graduate June 6, 2019!

Ellen will be heading out to Edinboro University next fall.

Our biggest girl Natalie is working on her
 Career, Education, and Work skills.

I think the whole witch hat thing got to her this week.

At least she's honest about liking to work.

And healthy.

And a dreamer like the rest of us.

It's always fun to mark birthdays and big holidays on the calendar,
but for weekend homework,
mark in some of these 
to prove there is something to celebrate every day!

Here are the special celebrations on my birthday.

March 3rd:
National Soup Day
National Anthem Day
National Cold Cuts Day
National I Want You to be Happy Day
National Mulled Wine Day
Finsher's Medal Day

Most are quite appropriate!
Lol.  All I ever earn are finisher's medals
and I happen to live across the street from a winery.
And Happy?
Well that's just a given.

Post what special days share your birthday!

An upcoming date to mark on your calendar is November 13th--
National Kindness Day.

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” –Bob Kerry

Maybe it is a reaction to the hostilities of our nation
or maybe it's just long overdue,
but kindness is spreading.

So you can be prepared for November 13th,
Eloise is giving you a second homework assignment.

Become aware of how many times a day you use the words "I hate."

I hate (insert politician).
I hate the weather.
I hate that color.
I hate that song.
I hate my thighs.
I hate my hair color.
I hate tapioca pudding.

Hate is a strong word that is way overused,
and in its overuse we are creating a culture of haters.

Don't be a hater.
Haters are ugly.
Be kind instead.
Kind people are pretty.

Being kind does not mean that you are weak.
I think it is one of the biggest misconceptions about being kind.

Never mistake My silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, and my kindness for weakness

I will argue that it takes far more courage and strength to be kind
than it does to fall into the snares of hate.

FDR would've had something to say to John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Eric Cantor

If you are a hater ready to slither out of your skin,
here are some suggested acts you can do to 
boost your mood,
lift your fellow man,
and improve your general health and well being.
Check them out below.

Have a great weekend,
and in the words of Ellen Degeneres--

Be kind to one another.


Random Acts of Kindness on World Kindness Day

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