Sunday, December 27, 2020

Lesson 677: Just. Christmas.

It's the end of the weekend, Readers,
and I wanted to share with you some photos from Christmas.

It's a short post this weekend,
as I'm working on the annual
Lamp Post Year in Review.
 I need to concentrate my energies
so I can represent 2020 just right.


It was hard to wish people Merry Christmas.
Even Happy Holidays felt wrong somehow.
Christmas was just Christmas this year.

We felt closer as a family.
We watched church from home.

With extended family members sick and in quarantine

traditions adapted.
The cozy living room I've known for 50 years
stayed quiet.

Eloise comes from a long line of creative and resourceful people.

Grandma and Grandpa did their best to make a space for us
to be together for a little while.

The annual Holly Trail morphed into a series 
of door dash Holly Stops,
dropping gifts on doorsteps,
racing the snow.

As for the snow,
boy it arrived!

It started on Christmas Eve--
Here is Santa's Workshop at 7 pm on Christmas Eve.

Here is Santa's Workshop 24 hours later.

The dogs have been having a blast in the snow,

as well as with the gifts littering the floor.

The first gift of Christmas arrived on the first night of break,

The news that I actually did not birth her
forced Penny into smoking.

My favorite gift was this very unique lamp!

Ellen wins the prize for creating the most special gift this year.

She used her Cricut to make a wall hanging
of Louie's Father's last advice to his family,
presented in his own handwriting.
A Grandfather's wise advice to grandchildren he never met.

I'll leave you with this tonight,
and will see you on Friday for an epic Year in Review.


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