Hello, Readers.
It's a frosty weekend here at the Lamp Post.

Erieites find homey comfort in the seemingly inhospitable.
Mr. Lamp Post finds his cozy on the couch.
The kids have finished sorting the David Dobrick puzzle.
You scan the code after completion
and you will find out if you won $100,000!
We really enjoyed the Super Bowl this year.
I could have told you by the Pop Luck purchases
that the Buccaneers would win.
They had the way better mix.
The best one was this one!
No bleachers to clean for this years masketball season.
Natalie gets her exercise every night.
Her artist of choice, as of late ,
is Lady GaGa.
The funny of the week goes to this mask reminder sign.
I accomplished my January diet related goal
for my commit 30 goal planner
with an 87% B.
It's how I measure progress best--
I convert everything to a letter grade.
For February I made a different promise to myself,
in keeping with my word of the year theme.
During the month of love,
I promised the words "I hate..."
would not cross my lips.
I've got to be near perfect the rest of the month
to pull an A.
Eloise spoke some slurs during the first week
while trying to form my new habit of restraint.
The tin foil toothy thing that rips the foil cut my finger,
and I lost the interent in the middle of something I was working on.
Apparently I h@+e those things.
The fewer times you speak hate,
the more room you have to find love.
Many of the Lamp Post readers loved the personality quiz
I posted last week.
I assigned it to my students this week.
If you missed it,
The results of a short quiz will reveal
your Creative type.
Yes, everyone is creative!
I decided to sort your responses as I would my students.
I used padlet.
If you are an educator and haven't made use of your free account,
contact me and I'll help you.
There were 8 columns so use the bottom bar to slide horizontally.
Dreamers and Visionaries dominated my responses.
When looking at those columns,
look for a vertical bar to the right of the lists of names.
It's shadowed and hard to see.
Slide it up and down to see the complete
list of the Readers who are most like me.
Who is the most like you?