Friday, February 5, 2021

Lesson 683: See the Creative

 I see creative people out there!

Probably because I have my glasses on today,

which means I found them.

The are always lost.

I always have my lensed eye out for
the creative.

Snowmen from socks
help add some wintertime cheer.

Life in a northern town midwinter
cries for the creative to combat the bleak.

Reminds me of a song.

Sam is keeping us busy with a few basketball games.

Natalie is still waiting for her call-back to work
so she's been baking up a storm.
These local farm fresh eggs were almost to pretty to crack!

And Ellen is learning from home for another semester.
Today we played Who Wore it Better.
It was the third time they dressed alike unknowingly.

I got the dogs out for a walk on a blue-sky afternoon.

Those two pound pooches pulled me through icy divots and ruts.
 I cursed myself for not taking someone along with me.
Sam had intended to but said he was too cold.
Probably because he was still in his pajamas
and wearing my women's size large unlined rain slicker.
Sam is a fashion plate.

We passed these two old friends playing with their airplanes.


The dogs didn't eat the airplane
so I read them a story upon our return home.

They gave the story a thumbs up.
Got my gloves again this year!
Alpaca fur.
It's like crack.

I'm getting ready for my next book.
Any of you Readers out there read either of these?
Any good?

I got a clever life hack from the Happier podcast 
by Gretchen Rubin.
A listener suggested a great way to sort through phone pictures.
Each day she pulls up her phone library and hits the search.
She types the date into the box, but not the year.

We get a trip down memory lane
and you can delete the junk pics as you go!

This is what came up for February 5th 
from all the February 5th's since I've had my phone.

That middle photo of Sam was when he had his mystery illness last February.

Yesterday, on February 4th

this one popped up from two years ago.

That was after vomiting for 12 hours straight.

Methinks Sam needs to be very careful this February.

My student sent me this great personality test.
I really encourage you to take it!


Discover your creative type!

Everyone has a Creative Type. What’s yours?

The Creative Types test is an exploration of the many faces of the creative personality. Based in psychology research, the test assesses your basic habits and tendencies—how you think, how you act, how you see the world—to help you better understand who you are as a creative. Answer these 15 questions and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, plus insight into how to maximize your natural gifts and face your challenges.

These personality types aren’t black-and-white labels. Think of them more as signposts pointing you toward your full creative potential. While there’s probably one core type that best describes you, you may change types at different points in your life and career, or even at different stages of the creative process. As a creative, you have a little bit of all eight Types inside you.

People are broken down into 8 creative types.

Meet Eloise, The Dreamer!

Please post your creative type under 
my facebook blog post so I can see what you are!
I'm looking for an Innovator to partner with.

I'll see you next week.
Between now and then,
I'll be roaming my mental landscapes of my fantasy land.


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