Friday, December 3, 2021

Lesson 725: Early December

Good evening, Readers!

Time to take a picture walk through the past week.

Early December never disappoints those who search for beauty.

The snow fell early this week in large fluffy flakes.

Snow outside made for the right conditions inside
to study for finals.

The snow frolic wore the dogs out,

so we decided that was a fine time to put of the Christmas tree.

When the Christmas tree goes up,
that means it's time for basketball!

With practice after school,
Sam leaves for school in the dark,
and returns home in the dark.

Getting him up and out the door with
six bags and a water container 
is a larger feat than his feet.

The snow melted later in the week
so our students could go outside to try to 
make some radio contacts with the International Space Station.

With Christmas on my mind,
and the winter calendar filling in,
I did what I do best--
stock up on some reading material.

I love reading so much.
It's a great way to accomplish something
a little bit at a time.
There isn't a book you ever read 
that doesn't change you in some way.

This recent read was voted 
Book of the Year by the Book of the Month Club.
I gave it a 3 out of 5.
I learned a lot about the time period,
but I thought it was too long and had a dumb ending.

I picked something a little lighter 
to balance out the Great Depression.
JK Rowling!

This is my kind of page turner.
Very good so far.

Today my Book of the Month pick arrived.
Now I will have 3 books to read this month.
Yes, I'll be reading all three at the same time.

This one was a risk for me.

A haunting fairy tale in December
doesn't seem like a perfect fit,
but I'll give it a try.

Weekend homework:
Look at this website:

An artist has taken her talents to medical technology,
blending together art and function 
in the field of prosthetic limbs.

Enjoy your weekend and all the joys of early December.


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