Friday, March 10, 2023

Lesson 782: 52 W in a Y

Good evening, Readers.
Welcome to a snowy, March night
at the Lamp Post.

We are into our 10th week of 2023,
and many warmer weeks lay ahead,
so hang in there Erieites!
After all,
there are 52 W in a Y.

Do you know a brain teaser when you see one, Readers?
If you got that one, 
so did 89% of people attempting to guess it according to Sporcle.

Check out this trivia/quiz site if you love this stuff.

Check it out!
You will have 365 D in a Y
to do so.
(68.4% of people got that teaser--answers appear at the end of the blog).

Days in March sometimes look like this.

And others look like this.

There is such beauty in the element of nature's surprise.

32 D is the T in D F at which W F  (29.7%)

10 D U S (no %--I made that one up!)
and soon we will be singing
O T T S Y O at the O B G! (7.1%)

I've been thinking a lot about the passage of time
as I had a birthday last week.
52 W in a Y
just like 52 C in a D W the J (38%).

I thought a lot about my goals for the year.
As always, I have a mental list a mile long of things I'd like to accomplish.
Places to go.
Things to do.
People to see.

When I whittled everything away down to the core of what I need
to make all those
come to Be.
I need my best health.

Meet my 52 week health journal.
I got her from Walmart for a couple of bucks.
Not only is she beautiful,
she's nice and small and fits in my purse.

She even has a little pocket for tucking in the back!

I divided the her up into 52, two page spreads.
I'll be tracking some weekly targets
for the next 12 M of the Y (67.9%).

I much prefer the idea of WEEKLY targets
for physical fitness,
mental health,
general wellness.

The 2-page spread covers targets that I want to hit
in the 7 D of the W (96.7%).
Tracking weekly targets
makes much more sense than daily targets.
Tracking daily makes Eloise feel like a lab rat.

And if you watched LOST--
my all-time favorite TV Show
for whom this blog and pseudonym are named--
Eloise WAS a lab rat....

I like the 2-page spread I open to each week,
because it reminds me of an opened book--
spine centered.

I spent much of the last decade seeking BALANCE,
which I've learned is a  frustrating and constant chase.
The second I'd get my life steady,
I would be handed a new responsibility
and the tip began again.

I've changed my quest to staying CENTERED.
What are the things I need to do each week to feel my best?
I found a concise way to list them,
and it's been easy to monitor.

Since there at 60 M in an H,
time is closing in on me.
I want to watch a little TV with the hubby--
one thing that is listed in my new journal--
so I'll be signing off. a bit early tonight.

G S, G! (also my own!)

52 W in a Y:  52 Weeks in a Year
365 D in a Y:  365 Days in a Year
32 is the T in D F at which WF:  32 Degrees is the Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes
10 D U S:  10 Days Until Spring
O T T S Y O at the O B G:  One, Two, Three Strikes  You're Out at the Old Ball Game 
52 C in a D W the J:  52 Cards in a Deck Without the Jokers
G S G:  Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight!

Facebook:  26 L of the A:  26 Letters of the Alphabet


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