Friday, July 7, 2023

Lesson 801: Fun & Games

Hello, Readers!

This looks to be a fun cart of goods

from Walmart,

doesn't it?

I bet you can guess who was shopping with me. 

Summer has been Fun & Games

this past week,

hence the title of this blog.

We had some fun in nature last weekend.

The kids also made a game of navigating the lakeshore
on the Fourth of July.
Still no beach,
but we'll gladly take the calm, 
clean lake!

What are the games of the summer?

Here's one we've been playing!

Spikeball has taken over the more active game play choice.

Baseball is a summertime favorite,
both local Legion

and professional.

Natalie's favorite game to play is BINGO.

We hit the BINGO tent a few times at the Cherry Festival.

Sam found some fun at the Dime Pitch
and has two new fancy glasses to prove his success.

Natalie has been making a game out of 
drawing hearts on just about everything.
Here they are on painted beach rocks.

She's a stealth heart-drawer,
because we never catch her doing it.
She got my reminder
post-it-note this week.

We may be making some adjustments 
to the cabin,
and Natalie even got to the builder's plans.

We love the Fourth of July gathering.

We also love a good puzzle.

Ryan got us this challenging one
of Rainbow Falls at Watkins Glen.
He helped us finish it tonight.

I make a game of reading every week.
I prefer to have many going at a time
because I never know what I'll be in the mood for.

Eloise isn't completely random though.
I do have tendencies.

I tend to read self-help or non-fiction in the morning,
usually right after I get up.

Health books come before my walks and workouts.

When I go to games and am waiting in the stands,
I usually am in the mood for stuff I'm reading for school.

Nighttime is time for stories,
which is my favorite type of reading.

I love myself a good dystopian novel,
but I had to give up on this 
young adult novel for a bit,
despite the fact that it is so well written.
It was creeping me out!

I decided to try one of these.
I am answering to the collective inhale of breath
and wide-eyed expressions of my book group
when I casually mentioned I'd never read a Jodi Picoult book.

Then there's my dogs,
living the hard life that they do.

It's no fun and games when you roll in poop though.
To the doggie bath you go.
I'm not surprised they because facebook famous
for their dog wash debut!

Meet Penny and Hazel, who had a fabulous day of grooming and pampering! 💕🐾 Bryanna worked her magic, giving them the pampering they deserved!
Treat your dog to a day of pampering at Pet Supplies Plus! Let them experience the joy of being spoiled! 💚

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