Friday, September 8, 2023

Lesson 810: Sunflowers

Hello, Readers.

I find myself with an open Friday night to write

as football team played their first home game

on a Thursday night!

The unusual night for the match-up

worked well with the unusually high temperatures this week.

The Dog Pound called for a very fitting Hawaiian night,

and celebrated a home field win for the Huskies. 

The first home games celebrate the Seniors.
Heads on Sticks are a fan favorite.
These kiddos approached the Dog Pound for trades.

Our you can connect a giant line of them
that takes three young men to carry!

I got picked for the Huskie Spotlight
in our District's Special Education newsletter.
I was sent a few career questions to answer
about my time at Harbor Creek,
memorable experiences,  etc.

It was this question that tripped me up:
If you could only eat one snack for the rest of your life,
what would you choose?

I was at camp enjoying the wildlife when the text came in,
so I had lots of time to think in the open air.
It's where I do my best thinking.

Now YOU think, Readers.
What would you choose?
Pretend you are at my cabin 
in the open air.
We'll come back to this question in a bit.

This deer picked apples for a snack.

What did Eloise choose?

Sunflower seeds!
What not choose the most earth friendly snack,
given to us by a marvel of a plant.

Look how tall mine grew this year!

I would like you to give this snack question some thought,
and post what snack you would choose.

I love seeing what people respond
just as much as I love thinking about questions like this.

Weekend homework:
Here is some interesting reading on sunflowers
from a pinterest post I found.
Food for thought
as well as food for the body.


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