Friday, January 12, 2024

Lesson 829: Howling

Hello, Readers.

Typing fast tonight as the winds are howling

outside of the Lamp Post's rattling windows.

Losing power is a possibility.

So, who said it best?
The wise Japanese,

or Walt?

The basketball team was howling tonight
in an all-dog match up--

The Huskies of Harbor Creek
The Bulldogs of Meadville.

Our gym has a warm, cozy feel.
It's so pretty!

I like the softer lighting
rather than the glaring white of other gyms.
It makes it very hard for photos though.

Sambassador was at work,
talking to the other team during foul shots.

Sam is as fun to watch on the bench
as he is on the court.

but don't worry.
He's not flipping everyone off.

It's the Tommy DeVito!

We call the McDowell match up
Sam vs Cam
The Cousin Rivalry.

We all howled when we realized she went to preschool
with his friends.

My students got stranded at the Tom Ridge Center
when our field trip bus wouldn't start 
for our return trip home.

While on the field trip 
the students took a personality test
to help them match career fields with 
their tendencies and behaviors.

Weekend homework:
Take this test!
Post on my facebook what you are!

I am to the Protagonist---
the green guy with the sword on top of the T in Personalities.
ENJF are the letters.
At this late hour I can't remember what they stand for,
but the E is Extrovert.

We howled with laughter when my husband,
known for his big personality,
said his test determined he was an introvert.
We are convinced he answered the questions backwards on the scale!

If we use his 1991 job resume we found 
as evidence of his exuberance,
we have our proof!

Fraternity President 
and played every sport known to man,
definitely not an introvert.

We are hoping our Little Blue Cottage 
survives the weekend.
Hold on tight Erie Lakeshore.
High winds will be a-howling all weekend long!

Stay safe, Readers.
And try reading a book if your power goes out.
It's a really nice pastime
and reading makes you a much more interesting person.


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