Friday, February 16, 2024

Lesson 834: Unusual February

 Hello, Readers.

It's been an unusual February.

Valentine's Day was in the middle of the week.

Holidays always feel weird when they fall on a Wednesday.

Valentine's Day always feels like a weekend thing.

These cards from my pets were fun.

A friend commented on how nice their handwriting was.

I even got a card from my feral cats.

They aren't as thankless as I thought.

5:00 am feedings every single day--

I'm worth the card.

I took the advice of an organization expert on TikTok

and made a full year view calendar on my dot pages of my planner.

It's nice to look at today's date,

and see how much of the year is behind you,

and how much of the year you have left to go.

Instead of dividing it into the four seasons,

I divided the year in 3 sections running horizontally 

across the two page spread.

A row for the long, colder months.

A row for the free-wheeling fun months.

A row for the pretty family holiday months.

The weather has been very unusual for February.

I'm used to looking at a snow covered tree

at the base of the Clark School hill.

No snow this week,

but the lake looked extra unusual.

Here's the typical Erie,
low-lying cloud cover
with a late afternoon break in the sky.

It made the vineyards look really pretty,

like they were all lit up.

It's easy to get around the park for dog walks this month.

Not much color in the woods this time of year,

except for our coats.
Natalie wears the yellow,

and I wear the blue.

Locals, have you spotted us yet?
I think you could see them from the moon.

We've been watching this nest hold tight to its branch
through all of the recent wind.
These hives amaze me!

This is my favorite woodsy kind of art work.
does the style of art have a name?
It's unusual,
but I love it.

It's unusual to go through almost the entire basketball season,
without a nail-biting trip home
on dark, snowy roads.

Until tonight, that is!
It was a slippery ride home from McLane!

Sam had a big game against a tough team.

A team that's always tough to beat,

we beat twice this season!

A memory popped up this week of Slam and Truck
on their first YMCA basketball team together.

It's the most unusual thing about time,
the days are long
and the years are short.

This book isn't short,
but I'm glad because the story is good
and well written.

I've been alone, too long,
just me and my books.
We'll have an 
Anything But A Book Club Book Club meeting soon.
It looks like the basketball team is headed to 
the playoffs,
so I'll pick a date in March
after the season ends.

I'm writing unusually late for a Friday,
which means it's almost Saturday,
which means
it's time for night-night.

See you next week.
I'll leave the Lamp Post light on for you.


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