Friday, April 19, 2024

Lesson 843: Alias

 Good evening, Readers.

Eloise welcomes you to the 

eight hundred and forty-third lesson

from The Lamp Post.


A pen name.

A pseudonym, to sound fancy.

An alias?

Not quite.

So what is the difference?

Here is what Mr. Google says:

Is a pseudonym an alias?
Alias derives from the term “alias dictus,” which means “otherwise called.” An alias is a pseudonym, nickname, or alternative name for an individual (alternative to their legal name).While the word 'pseudonym' is a neutral term; 'alias', at times, carries a negative connotation
Nothing negative here at the Lamp Post.
I try to keep this a positive blog,
843 weeks and counting.

I got to thinking about the word alias
from this book  
that I snagged from the high school library,
on the way out the door last Friday.

I had a weekend of basement cleaning ahead of me,
and sometimes I'll use a book to keep me moving.
30 minutes of work
equals 10 pages of a book.
I can work at that pace for hours on end.
(It worked!  Basement organized!)

The girl's scarf made of piano keys 
first caught my attention.
Then the subtitle:
A True Story of Outwitting the Nazis.

The story is just incredible.
Two sisters survived the horrors of the Ukraine
during WW2.
The story's beginning,
along with the end notes and photos
make it all the more special.

After you read the story
(or listen to the audio copy that is narrated by the real-life Amy),
check out this YouTube
to meet Journalist Greg Dawson
and listen to him tell his mother's story.
Consider it your long-term homework assignment.

If I were assigning a grade to the week,
I'd have to give it a B--

and baseball.

The Huskies are on a roll!
4 wins to begin the season.

Extra credit awarded
for giving my student a follow.
He's Harbor Creek's first ever baseball commentator.
Alex is just starting out,
and he did an excellent job.

With four games under our belts
and three of them away games,
Eloise finds herself 
a Tired Typist tonight!

There's an alias for you--
The Tired Typist.

My eyes are crossing--
time for bed.

I'll leave you with this nighty-night thought:
The Tired Typist

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