Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lesson 861: Long on Hype!

It's the end of August, Readers!

You know what that means?

Eloise is Long on Hype

for two of her favorite things:

the fall harvest

and the Harbor Creek School District.

I went back this week,
and the students start Tuesday.
It's time to get our positive pants on.

Ellen made this Teacher Chair
for her friend Alexa
who got her first teaching job!

Eloise is Long on Hype for 
anyone joining the ranks of education.

Seems like just yesterday 
I met Alexa when she was in fourth grade,
and now Miss Soles will be teaching fourth grade!

In the blink of an eye,
they say....

Very true.

Slam, Truck, 
and the rest of the Bang Bang Gang
were super hyped for their Senior Night,
where the came off the field with a win 
in the home opener!

Must have been the spaghetti 
we served them at the team dinner 
on Wednesday.

The crowd was hyped for tonight's game!

We had lots of special fans
to help us kick off the season.

 But there is nobody
who can match Grandma 
in football hype!

I think Sam has your smile,
as well as your love for football.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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