Friday, August 30, 2024

Lesson 862: Rodeo

Hello, Readers.

It's time to Cowboy up!

The school year is underway.

The first leaves are beginning to change.

I've been looking up the meanings and origins

of cowboy words this week.

I've recently become interested in westerns--



and the like.

The phrase cowboy up is intended to be motivational.

encouraging a person to embark on a difficult task.

This is nice because Eloise loves 

motivational speech


difficult tasks.

Like growing flowers.

That's a difficult task for this former Black Thumb.

Now I consider mine to be a grayish green.

I stopped making excuses about my gardening failures

and completed the Master Gardening class

through the Penn State Extension.

Now I can grow flowers a bit better

because I learned from the experts.

Even with all my newfound knowledge,

I'm still not as good as them:

They know how to make things grow!

So, I'm a first year gardener

and a 31 year teaching veteran!

Me and school--

we go way back!

I've had 48 First Days!

This time of year is one of my favorites
because it is County Fair time.
There is nothing more storybook for me
than going to a fair
on a warm, breezy,
late summer evening.

We went out to neighboring Wattsburg 
for the Fair this week.
Little did we know--
there WAS a rodeo!

We've never been to one before!


The rodeo was really fun,
and we will definitely go to another one sometime.

I then gravitated to my personal Fair favorites:

Prize Pickles

Displays and Dahlias

I love a good coloring contest!

And always the animals--
farm animals are my very favorite!



I cried like a two year old
because I wanted this miniature donkey named Steve
so badly!

Mary and Family stole all of the attention in the barn.

And most of all,
I loved this horse
and I'm stealing her name for a future pet!


Now it's time to end my story for this week
and slide into dreamland,
where I will have a great big barn
for my donkey named Steve,
my piglets who will never become bacon
and a pet named Story.

Homework for this weekend:
What pet should I get that fits the name Story?


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