It's New Year's Eve
and Eloise is sitting up in the Lamp Post writing station,
sipping my favorite beverage,
reflecting on the last dozen months.

2016 is just another step in the journey--
OUR journey.

Borrowing the cleverness of the 2016 Harborian,
grab a drink,
sit down,
and take a scroll through the most notable moments
from the Lamp Post.
Few words in this post--
I'll let the photos do the talking,

2016--the Year of the Squirrel

My dad found a nest of seven babies this spring!
For the Birds

Witnessed both Momma and Papa Birds caring for the young.

The pink on the right is the butt hole.
Sam laughed his butt off watching them poop,
then the mother swoop in and eat the doo doo off of the side of the nest.
The menacing turkey vulture.

The majestic guarder of the northern border.

I mean, bullfrogs.
For the Bees
To Eloise's great dismay--
the Lamp Post needed an exterminator--twice!
Erie Zoo

Best advice

I'm so doing it.

Best advice on American politics

Undeniable American Politics

More good advice

Think pink.

Be a leader.

Best in Our Small World of Sports
Hubby finished 6th place in the Erie Times News Open,
slipping to the spot after a bad game.

In hopes of making his daddy feel better,
Sam made us all paper trophies representing our
sports accomplishments after the disappointing ending to the tournament.
All I got was a fifth place participation plaque.
That sucks, Sam.

Ellen became a Lady Huskie.
6 Rakettes to clean up the field and haul the equipment!

She spent a groundbreaking year on the HC Boys Golf team,
golfing with 7 other girls golfing as independents.
They are hoping for official girls team recognition for 2017.

The Color Run came to Erie.

Natalie tore it up on the bowling alleys.

And was the best #1 supporter of HC softball and baseball.
Sam played baseball.

And football.

He placed second in the region for the NFL Punt, Pass, & Kick Competition.

My sister Kenyan ran her 755th race.

My nephew Erik is a champion swimmer.
My nephew Jack ran in every crappy condition imaginable
and emerged a champion.

These crooked, arthritic feet took me on another loop of the peninsula.

My New Year's Resolution is to finally beat this race walker in 2017.
I got my eyes on you, babe.

I also completed the Barber Beast on the Bay
and kept up with the teens I ran it with.
I deserve more than a freaking participation plaque, SAM!
Best of Books

Dangers of a connected world.

Written by my high school classmate!
Read this book and hoe out your houses.
We all have too much $h!t!
Clean out your house,
and you'll lose some of those unwanted pounds from your frame.
I guarantee it.
I forced my sister into reading this book,
and helped her reorganize her home.
She bought me a camera as a thank you gift!
I'm keeping her, I guess.

Changing Seasons
Winter 2016 was milder than the winters previous.

Spring finally came

Summer had a slow start

Kids first day of summer vacation,
June 7th, 2016

41 degrees!
Eventually, it was a beauty!

Fall Splendor

Winter Wonders
Jesus is a good guy.
Get to know Him in 2017.

Eloise likes the Pope, too.

Doll Day when you are the only boy in the class.

Future leaders--- I encourage to return to Erie one day
and give back to the community that help raise you.
The election was so heated I had to use Snoopy to teach about the election process,
rather than the candidates themselves.
Refereeing politically charged comments with 9 year olds
became too difficult a task.

And God forbid you mention the word CLOWN to an elementary schooler
at Halloween.
Creepy Clown sightings dominated kid-talk.

Best of Family
The Settlers next door

Sister Susan moved to North Dakota!

Cora has returned!

Gramma LaFuria turned 98!

Emma Grace
Ellen is a fairy Godmother.

I cried tears of teal on year ago tonight,
and they still roll down my cheeks
at the most unexpected times.
I shed a few purple tears for the passing of Prince.
Weird dude for sure,
but FANTASTIC dance music.

2016 Projects
Maple Syrup

On the final step of the 12 hour,
outdoor, slow-boil,
the pan handle broke and we spilled 75% of what we collected in the grass.
Rain Collection Barrel
The friendly neighbors over at 6 Mile Cellars had one.
Since in America,
your neighbor's grass is always greener,
we put Ellen on the project.
We will Grow in Grace.
Thanks, Ellen.
I LOVE yoga
and have resolved in 2017 to make it a true practice.
Note: Four days after convincing my hubby he NEEDED
to loosen up his body
and that YOGA was not for the fruity,
he bowled consecutive,
back to back 300 games.
I think not.
I think not.

Autism Awareness and Education


This Amish guy broke TWO of my cameras.
Apparently you are not supposed to take pictures of the Amish.
They believe the camera steals one's soul.
Instead he stole my camera brain.
Killed two cameras at this very location,
two summers apart--
once in 2014 and again in 2016.

The Double Headed Ugly Sweater
Finding Sasquatch

Lamp Post Milestones
4th grade, 10th grade, Super Senior

Ellen gets her Learner's Permit.
She's a great driver,
but has yet to master parking lots.

Nephew Jack earned his Eagle Scout.

Six Mile Creek Park has some great new benches.
Finally got rid of the couch I've hated.
and the table that never fit the space.
22 years of marriage.
16th birthday bedroom balloonings
A case of poison something or other that lasted for 21 days.
The jeep turns 20 years old.

Sam turned 9 on Easter Sunday.

my math teacher hubby,
turned a youthful
2 x 2 + 50 - 7

Natalie is 18!
The Promposal
Her happy response upon Ryan's affirmative reply.

2016 travel

Left these beach balls all around the boardwalk on our last day.

Cool places to visit nearby
Panama Rocks, 2016

Panama Rocks, 1950

Cook's Forest River Float

A giant rubber duck invades the bay

Kinzua Bridge

Bowling and Beer--
you can't beat it.
Nature's finest

Best photo story of the year-
Torin's First Fish
Went a summer without a concert from Handsome.
Nothing was able to work into our summer schedule.
See you in Cleveland in August 2017, Tim McGraw!

Putting this on my refrigerator for 2017.
When it hits the 'fridge,
it becomes the best, constant reminder.

From Me & My People
You & Yours:
Happy New Year!
See you in 2017 for a January 1st blog post.