We're ready to light up the last night of August, Readers!
It's back to school time for the Lamp Posters.

That means it's time for some of our favorite things:

surprise first day of school treats,

Friday night football games,
and the annual First Day of School photo.
Mother Eloise is going to post this line up again in June.
How much will Saquon grow?
The Huskie nation is ready and willing to accept
the challenges in the year ahead,
which includes the defending of the spelling of the mascot name.
The Huskie
spelled with our traditional IE ending,
is under scrutiny this week,
sparked by the Huskie Nation shirts
window clings.
Mrs. Eloise, a district teacher,
has been asked several times about her thoughts on the subject
of the deliberate misspelling.
The IE Huskie is spelled that way with the intention of setting the word apart.
I am a Huskie,
a fan, community member, employee--
not a Husky,
a native Alaskan wolf like dog.
And being sizable in stature,
I certainly don't want to sport a t-shirt with HUSKY PRIDE
emblazoned across my chest,
you know,
that just sounds fat.

The IE Huskie is an identifier for our district
as much as this howling, wolf-like Huskie circa 1970's.
We've had softer,
more dog like Huskies in the past
and they just didn't work.
The Husky spelling just wouldn't work, either.
I learned in my writing classes in college
that intentional misspellings work
in advertising if they get people talking.
If you still have an issue with our longstanding
HUSKIE tradition,
then get out of your La-Z-Boy,
put down your container or LITE yogurt
and bypass the McDonald's drive THRU
on your way to come see me for some discussion.
I'll sharpen my teeth.
The first signs of fall are never on the trees,
they are in the skies.

Look up when you get a chance.
You won't be disappointed.

Fall is one of the nicest seasons for outdoor workouts.
See Eloise if you are interested in joining our fun group
and have yourself a healthy fall.
Our colony of feral cats is starting to get the snip-snips.
Thank you, Hometown Vet in North East for your help!
It's amazing that this little guy has survived
with a colony of fourteen feral cats nearby.
Fall is such a great time for watching wildlife.
Leave it to the Canadians, though.
They are bad company!
They fly in,
make their mess,
and leave!
Fall is a really good time to pick up a book.
Eloise loves this one!
What a page turner!
Professor Langdon is back from the DiVinci Code.
He is in the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain,
putting clues together of a mystery
involving my favorite big three--
and religion!
This visual companion guide is a MUST!
You can follow along,
chapter by chapter,
and look at the art work
and symbols mentioned in the story.
It's free!
This novel tied for my favorite book of the summer.
It has a great plot.
It was fun to try to find the parts that Bill Clinton wrote.
My big question is Why?
I have some thoughts,
so if you read it.
See you next week!