Friday, October 16, 2020

Lesson 667: Parks and Rec

How is your 2020 going, Readers?

Did you pick up the shiny 2020 penny for good luck,

or did you drill a hole through Lincoln's head?

Don't send Grandpa to jail for defacing currency.
His intention was good--
he made pup Penny a new collar tag.

Adopting a second puppy to love was one of the bright spots
that makes me smile.

The other was getting our cabin in the Allegheny National Forest.

We've really enjoy hiking and have been looking forward to this time of year.

We've been getting out into the parks for our main form of recreation,

discovering new paths to follow,

big rocks,

and beautiful, fish laden streams.

Our favorite hike, by far was here:

Minister Creek Campground,
about 90 minutes south of Erie,
is the smallest campground in Pennsylvania.
Only 6 spots!

The small campground marks the beginning of several trails
winding up and down the Minister Creek valley.
We opted for the big one last weekend,
7.7 miles when all was said and done.
If you decide to try it,
call us!
Our cabin is just 30 minutes from there!

We even took the pups.
We used Ellen's cool new water bottle she got for her birthday
from her friend Emily.
The bottom slides off and it is a dog dish!

Penny did great.
We only had to carry her a few times.

Hazel was on sniff patrol and in 7th heaven!

The overlook is the most stunning view!
It rivals the skywalk at Kinzua--
and I actually think it is better.
You don't have to walk the full loop to get there.
Less than a half a mile trek,
but uphill,
will get you to it.

The surroundings were as pretty at home this week
as they were in the mountains last weekend.
I got my grape picker photos

and my fall horse photos on the same day!

I don't own horses, 
live on a farm,
or make wine,
but I'm sure glad my neighbors do!

Weekend homework that fits this week's theme:
Assignment #1
Look up one of my favorite Presidents!

I wish we'd return to this for our foreign policy.
But, of course,
this is good, too:

And this quote made someone's
compilation of the top 20 Bad Ass quotes.

This one made it, too,
and it really made me long for a Republican 
who was congenial and held a good sense of humor.

Here is a video I'd really love for you to watch.
Bonus points if you do.
It's a TED ED video,
and if you don't want to aimlessly search around youtube,
stop there!
You will find an endless supply of short,
educational videos made for kids,
way appropriate for adults, too!

I came across this one, too,
while looking for the National Parks video.
I think you will find this one highly interesting,
and educational.
The second video is an assignment,
not a bonus.

it's the end of the quarter
and all teachers pile on the work!

Watch:  When is a Pandemic Over


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