Saturday, May 28, 2022

Lesson 750: Heartache

Hello, Readers.

We've closed the gap on the blog posts this week.

I finally caught up to my mis-numbered posts.

Post 750 it is!

Think about this--

what was the world like 750 posts ago?

Governors across the nation 

ordered flags to fly at half-staff through Saturday, May 28th

for remembrance of the victims of the Uvalde school shootings.


And total.


1 million COVID deaths,
Tops Market shootings,
and mommas fruitless searches for baby formula
leave Eloise half hearted for writing this week.

It isn't fitting to flash photos of my children
anticipating summer
when so much heartache hangs over us.

I'll leave you with some food for thought--
a serious look into community baseball's decline
if you are up for the grim statistics.

And finally,
an urge from Eloise
 to support your schools and communities 
any way that you can.
Protecting and defending
begins at your own doorstep.

Instead of my typical sports and school photos,
tonight we will quietly reflect on a more somber world,
while scrolling through  some animal snapshots 

 Dogs vs Squirrel.

Horse and Donkey


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