Saturday, July 9, 2022

Lesson 756: Dancing Cheek to Cheek

 Hello, Readers.

Join me in the midst of my slow dance with summer.

July is the best month in Erie

and I'll be dancing cheek to cheek with all 31 days.

There are so many things to do in July,
and as a teacher by trade,
I have the time to do them.

Garage talks with Grandma 

Making art--

or purchasing a one of a kind piece

from two enterprising Klein School students

at the Boyer Road Art Stand.

Satisfying a sweet tooth with a cake
baked from scratch,

or a cherry pie from the festival.

A woods walk was on the schedule for the week.

Check out Six Mile Creek Park 

on Clark Road for a healthy, hilly hike.

The lake was nice for the holiday weekend.

The waves and wind are calming for Erik,

 but work for Sam.
Erik likes to throw his toys in the water,

and Sam is the only one strong enough to bear the cold water.

We were thankful the cottage 

had enough of its structure left 

to be rebuilt.

This flag that hangs from the ceiling beams
made it through all of the three storms
that did major damage to our little blue (soon to be wooden)

A good message for all of us who felt a little out of sorts
for the July 4th holiday.
Keep at it America--
together lets work it out.

I enjoy walking the dogs early in the morning.
If you wait too long,
the deer flies invite themselves along.

I felt like something was looking at me.
I couldn't shake the feeling.

Those spots weren't algae!

The forest has summer rhythms of its own.

Firefly lit skies

Cool nights perfect for campfires.

Plentiful fish.

New life.

And surprises around every corner.

Check out the surprise in the driver's seat!

Maple syrup mornings fuel us


for morning meadow walks.

Life is a dance,
and to my younger readers--
make it a slow dance.

We stopped by the T-Ball field 
this week and it reminded us all 
of how quickly the clock ticks.

Hats too big for heads,

and post game water from Minnie Mouse.

Life is better with a team,

and always better when you have a bestie to share the wins with.

When I think of summer at the Lamp Post,
I think of baseball and softball.
The last 17 summers have been spent on the diamonds.

It's the slowest dance of sports next to golf, 
yet full of intensity

and emotion.

Baseball has taken us all over Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Thursday we were in a beautiful park in Saegertown.

Slammy earned the title of Grand Slammy.

Capturing the hit 
isn't nearly as important
as capturing the emotion of the team
welcoming a player home.

I was almost looking for a new dance partner.
Sam's trying my patience:

June 22:
Sam vs Scooter

A week after that:
Sam vs Basketball

And a week after that:
Sam vs Third Base

Yep, that's not Boyer Road artwork--
that's Sam's butt.

And yep,
this is the photo his friend took
through his ripped out pants
outside of the dugout.

Sam, too,
had a a summer slow dance cheek to cheek! 


I need a drink.

These are my favorite at the moment.

Check Evolve out online.

I think I need something a little bit stronger.
This, poured over a full cup of ice is really good.

Grandma isn't a fan of carbonated drinks,
so she made up her own fuel for life...

she figured out how to make margarita slushies!

I have found the happiness I seek!
I'll be even happier when my head hits the pillow.

Goodnight, folks.
If you need a lullaby,
here's a reminder of what the original
song sounded like.

Click here for Fred Astaire


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