Friday, November 4, 2022

Lesson 763: Crafty

Hello, Readers.

It's the weekend.

Mother Nature is being a bit crafty 

in duping up into believing fall will be forever this pleasant.

I dug out all of my winter stuff 

after a 33 degree sideways rainy morning two weeks ago,

and I publicly lamented what I thought was the end 

of Erie's "good weather."

Since then,

the weather has been beautiful

just about

every day!

My dad and I discussed the falling leaves the other 
day a lunchtime.

Grandma wasn't interested in leaves.
She was trying to get Penny to come when she called her.

That doesn't happen often.
We don't think Penny quite gets it.

I started my Adventure Winter 100 Challenge 
this week.
You can set your own rules
and weekday park walks
throughout the winter
with two pooches yanking on their leashes--
that counts towards mileage of a hike.

I got some cool photos

in the Community Park,

walking in a thick fog.

What are we doing with our time now that football is over?

Sam is still kicking his around the yard in the evening
after he comes home from basketball practice.
He had one day in between sports.

The rest of us headed down to Erie's Bayfront 
this evening.

The girls are getting crafty this weekend, too!

They have a table for Natalie's 
Happy People shirts and cups
at the Holiday Craft Show
at the Bayfront Convention Center
this weekend.

The sky was so pretty over lower Erie.

The moon had a soft glow,

the sky a perfect pink.

This is not a perfect pink.

Oh, how I loathe this story.
I heard the click of all of my followers 
leaving my page.

I do not know what the fuss is about this book.
It reads like a really bad,
dramatized soap opera.

The enlarged font looks like when kids used to 
cheat on research papers and use the arial font
to make their writing appear that it was longer.

Why is this story so hyped?

Another unpopular opinion--
I didn't like Verity either.

I did like this one though--
so hang with me if you are considering unfriending me.

I'm trying to craft my book ranking system.
I'll share it with you, Readers,
once I perfect it.

The girls are a few decorative tassels short
for their table display, so I have to help out.

See you next week,

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