Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lesson 584: A Dozen Reasons

There are countless reasons why we love Sam,
our surprise child,
born today.
In honor of his 12th birthday,
here are a dozen reasons.

Sam, you are full of love!
For animals,

your family,

and holiday celebrations.

You love sports more than anyone else I know.

You play hard,

inspire the bench,

and are a good sport.

You are willing to broaden your horizons,

even when you don't want to.

Don't worry, Sam.
Your friends will always be there to support you.

You aren't afraid to show off your unconventional side.

And best of all,
your big heart fits well inside the space 
your very broad shoulders create.

We wish you the best of all that is to come 
during your 12th year.

Here are some highlights from the year that has passed.
Happy birthday!

Mother Eloise

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