Friday, March 15, 2019

Lesson 582: Time

Hello, Readers.
Time for another blog.

The Erie area had a nice melt this week.

Never mind that at the time of this writing
it is now,
once again,
37 degrees and raining.
 seeing the snow piles disappear
 was a welcome sight.

We got to wash our vehicles!

On Thursday evening the car thermometer read 72 degrees,
so I got to add a row of yellow
to my weather blanket.

I picked yellow to represent the 70's.
Yellow is one of my favorite of colors,
and 70's are my favorite of temperatures.
I'm hoping at year's end,
my blanket will have lots of yellow.

Image may contain: plant, sky, tree, flower, text, nature and outdoor

I even spotted a robin!

On the early morning of March 3rd,
I spotted these three crows
following me around the park 
on an early morning walk before church.

Image may contain: sky, bird, tree, plant, outdoor and nature

On the early morning of March 10th,
it was pitch black--so no photos.
19 Pictures That Perfectly Illustrate How Much We All Hate Daylight Savings Time | Playbuzz
Eloise just sort of rolls with the government mandated time changes.
The slight altering of sleep schedules
never seems to have much of an impact on me.
However, I think this is a really good suggestion.

Next time, why can't we just spring forward an hour on a Friday afternoon instead? Day Light Savings Time

There are lots of opinions being voiced about the necessity of 
Daylight Saving Time,
apparently the proper way to write it 
is Saving, without the second S.

According to the article in the link below,
Pennsylvania is one of the states considering opting out.

Weekend Homework:
Make an informed opinion on DST.

Daylight saving time (DST) in the United States is the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour during the warmer part of the year, so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. All but two states in the USA currently observe DST, the exceptions being Arizona (except for the Navajo Nation, which does observe daylight saving time) and Hawaii.
The overseas territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands also do not observe DST.

Here's another good one,
with a map!

My Questies have been working hard on their Pi homework.
It's not a skill that is typically covered in elementary school.
A big thanks to Anna and Eli for these pies!

Image may contain: dessert and food

The older Questies spent some time
engaging their big brains at the Tom Ridge Center
for a workshop for gifted and talented students.

The 72 degree evening 
was time for tank tops
and Ty Beanies
at Team Adrenaline.

If you like to plan ahead,
save some time for trying outdoor workouts 
with Team Adrenaline,
my favorite fitness group.

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, text and outdoor

They are free during the entire month of April!

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, bridge, outdoor and indoor

Diet is more than food


Sorry Harbor Creek School District,
but I have to admit I've been moonlighting
at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company
Scranton Branch.
I had to walk away from the job last Sunday.
I finished the last episode!

No photo description available.

After three cheers for a fabulously written ending,
I looked at my girls and said,
Wait for your Jim.

I turned to my son and said,
Be Jim.

Sam replied,
I thought you would want me to be Dwight Schrute
because that is your favorite character.


Dwight the constant pragmatic.

33 Dwight Schrute Jokes That Still Make You Laugh Every Time

This is someone else's bullet journal,
but I agree that these are probably the best episodes.

Can't wait to watch this new series.
I'm sure Natalie's friend Ryan
is very, very upset with Aunt Becky's 
real life behavior.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Think I could photo shop this to get Ellen on
USC's crew team?
She was captain of the Huskies, you know.

Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature

Eloise will end this blog tonight
with a quote from Albert Einstein,
who was born 140 years ago,
in Ulm, Germany 
on March 14th--
oddly enough on what we now refer to as
Pi Day  3.14.

Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.

Have a great weekend, Readers.

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