Friday, March 1, 2019

Lesson 580: Day by Day

Happy March, Readers!

Ours came in like an albino sleeping lion.
A soft white powder greeted us 
on the first day of March.
Will a lamb come to us in 31 days?

Early March,
 early mornings 
are so beautiful.

When twilight gives way 

to the new day's sunshine,
it is a gorgeous sight to witness.

I've had lots of early mornings the last week.
The family has been sick
and the home atmosphere has not been
conducive to much sleep.

Each one of the Lamp Posters succumbed 
do a different evil ill.

Poor Sam had it the worst.
This has been his steady diet of sips and nibbles
for six days!

While I've been nursing my family,
puppy Hazel has been making a steady diet
of everything but food.

She's particularly fond of cardboard.
She ate the baggie box.

Chewed up a pack of 12 pencils

and has developed a fondness for the carpet.

Hazel is going to eat my house.

Day by day, hour by hour, minuet by minute & second by second - I will come out of PPD

Day by day I've been stringing together this weather blanket.
It's getting big,
and I'm ready to get out of the blues!

With the family being so sick,
I've missed a day of stitching here and there.
People ask how I remember the temperature if I miss a day.
It's simple.
Eloise is diary keeper,
following in the footsteps of two of my grandmothers.

It's the first thing I do in the morning
while I'm waiting for the coffee to perk.

I go the window,
put my hand on the glass,
and try to guess the temperature.
I make my best guess,
check the thermometer,
and find I'm usually within 3 degrees.

This one is a neat little log.
I don't write too much--
just the temperature and scattered thoughts
or odds and ends of my life.

As you can see from the above photo
that I'm too tired to edit to make vertical for your reading ease--

February 26, 2018 was 37 degrees
and February 26, 2019 was 19 degrees.

You can also see that my pen ran out on Tuesday.
That is a pet peeve second only to a wet sock.

At the bottom of each page appears a Bible verse.

I love the first few pages of the book,
so I will share them with you, Readers.

If your eye was keen in the above sideways snapshot,
and you tapped the photo and spread your thumb and forefinger apart
to try to read a page of Eloise's diary...
as my sister did most of my teenage years....
here it is a little clearer for you.

I noticed that during this week last year 
I wrote the words
so tired
on 4 straight pages.

Some bodies dip seasonally
at the same times each year.
If you pay attention to your body closely,
you will find this to be true.

For me, 
I tend to get sick in the late part of the winter.
I have missed many Valentine's Day parties at school
and have been sick on my birthday on several occasions.

Facebook knows how we all like a look-back.
Here's one from this week in 2017.

Ups and downs of mood and health are as natural 
as the highs and lows of the weather.
I've learned not to sweat it.
When my battery runs low,

I stop for a few minutes to do my favorite things,
recharge, and try to go to bed early.

Genevieve Godbout

I think I should get this t-shirt for my collection.

For those of you tonight who are struggling
with sickness
or loss
or impatience
or an uncertain future
here are a few words of comfort.

Day By Day from Godspell

If you'd love to hear a song that I grew up humming
all through the 1970's,
click on the link to bring you back.

Have a wonderful weekend.
(although you should probably pass on the kisses and hugs
until the Lamp Posters are all better)!

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