Friday, March 22, 2019

Lesson 583: Educated

 Happy weekend, Readers!
Spring has officially sprung.

Spring Art Spring Decor Spring Print Chalkboard by TheWhiteLime

We've had a few brighter days in Erie,
enough to motivate Eloise to begin her spring cleaning.
Looks like the glass on the windows is next on the checklist.

We had a beautiful moon this week.
The evening really was that blue.

The geese have returned to the pond

and other places.

And the pigeons--
they are still walking the traffic light poles on Peach Street.
I had plenty of time to sit there and watch them.
What's up with the timing of the lights?
Only three cars could cross the intersection at a time!

Spring on the Lake Erie shoreline
is a beautiful fog much of the time.

The following three photos were taken about five minutes apart.

When you are outside this spring,
don't forget to look up.

It's amazing what you can find
when the leaves are off of the trees.

How do these manage to hang so tightly?

St. Patrick's Day fell on Sunday this year.

Although the Lamp Posters are pretty much

we celebrated anyway.
I told Ellen to grab the goods for Grandma's house,
and we were headed to make some Irish coffee
and reuben sandwiches.

No ice on the driveway means time for outdoor hoops.

Hazel gets some extra sniff time outside.

Ellen is off to Edinboro University this fall,
so we've been getting educated on all things college--
and costs
 top the list.

Rather than focusing on stored up knowledge
that can be flaunted with the recitation of facts and figures,
stress training in THINKING.
Albert Einstein Education Poster for Home Library Classroom or Office - Young N' Refined
I think the best educational lessons come through experiences.
Some of my younger students were able to view
the high school video announcement broadcast this week.
They have not stopped talking about the experience since.

The more real and rich we can make an education for kids,
the more lasting the learning.

We are all learners.
Learning never stops.

Eloise likes to continue learning lots of ways,
and one of my recent favorites is through listening to podcasts.
Oprah's Masterclass and Oprah's Super Soul Sundays are my favorites.

They are just long enough,
and the guests are always so interesting.
Oprah has a gift for bringing out the best stories.

This was a favorite of mine this week:
Diane Sawyer on her interview with a world leader:

"I thought isn't this fascinating?
When you become a (*leader)
it is psychologically true
 that you'll start hearing 
only what you want to hear.

And so you become increasingly ignorant of the real world.
And gradually this became a kind of anger,
a kind of rage,
so that there was more and more control necessary
 to feel less and less beleaguered.

She was interviewing Saddam Hussein.
Who did you think she was interviewing?

Image result for trumps tweets

Joe Biden got tongue tied over the weekend when he was unable to properly deliver a very simple line about his decision to run for President. Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!

Gurukul the School aims to provide common platform for systemic improvement educational systems in Ghaziabad

So what is Eloise reading this spring?
I am loving it so far!
Read along with me
and let me know what you think!

Educate yourself this weekend.
Find something new and good
and share it with someone!


I believe that the educated person is not only capable of understanding certain facts of the world, but they also know how to communicate, empathize, and learn from others.

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